This weekend has been Enforced Holiday Shopping Weekend.
Now, I do not, in any way, need to be encouraged to go shopping, but I hadn't quite budgeted for a big trip to the stores this month. However, I began to realise that gone are the sandals and bikinis only to be replaced by woolly hat, gloves and jumpers! Yes, that's right, the new season is here.
For someone who is only going on holiday at the end of August, this creates a problem. Shopping for the holiday must be done, but there is nothing left in the shops! I had intended to leave my shopping until next month, but it wasn't to be and I realised that in order to get anything summery I must get a move on and go and buy it before it is all gone. After seven hours on Oxford Street yesterday, I only managed to get two dresses, a bag, a pair of pumps and a few entirely un-holiday related items. A little more today in another location and I came out with a top, skirt, pair of shorts and a dress.
It really is rather short-sighted of retailers to stop stocking summery things in early August, when August in general is prime holiday season! Still, I suppose it wasn't a complete disaster - look how pretty!